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Reservations At Bookstores
Sunday, June 08, 2008 @ 10:06 PM

mood: quite excited
listening to: I Got You - Nikki Flores

You know what's the worst thing you hear when you're in a bookstore and eager to purchase a specific book? The words from the customer service sayin', "We ran out of stock and we don't know when our supplier will come." Add a cherry on top and you got this: "Also, there's no guarantee that the supplier will deliver the specified book[s]." Grr. So yeah, my ears have been accustomed to that recently [for almost a month]. BUT! Thanks to a text message from Marie, I finally got a copy of Eclipse. It's not the special edition though, but I'm glad all the same. (I can't complain; I already have it!) I've been waitin' for it. (Okay, okay, May and I have been waitin' for it.) So I finally got it-- forgot the exact date but it's this week. I was at school and it was near lunch time. I became spontaneous so I decided to just go to Robinsons in Imus in about a minute of thinking. Yes, yes, I do have my moments.

[Here's a note: There's something that pissed me off about that. They didn't even contact me when they got the books! It's like I left details and stuff about my reservation for nothin'! Wth! That's why I think it's better to annoy them than trust them. Call them every other day and ask for the book. It's their job to check it anyway. Besides, I've learned it this way. They won't contact you despite the reservation details. Argh!]

Though I've got the book already, I've decided not to read it till.. maybe August-- if I could resist that long, that is. LOL (I probably won't.) So why wait, you ask? Haha.. I just thought that maybe if there's something I'd be eager to do in between the release of Breaking Dawn (it's on August 2, I heard) and Twilight the movie, then it will be less dreadful on those months. Does that sound weird? Whatever. I'll test my patience. For now, I'll wait for Breaking Dawn.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
