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Last Entry For This Month
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 9:35 AM

mood: nervous
listening to: Hold On - B*witched

Well, this would be my last entry for this month. As for the very few people who know of this blog (since I didn't want to tell it to some of my friends coz it's still underconstruction), I'll be on hiatus for a while. The "while" part being approximately less than a month. If you've read my earlier posts then you'll know what I mean.

To my friends who only found out about it through this blog or through word of mouth, I'd like to apologize for not telling you-- I have my reasons. I really don't want a lot of people to know about it and besides, once I get back with pasalubong, you'll know eventually and then it will be like I never left. I'd really like to surprise you guys. So there. That's 1/3 of my reasons. LOL

By the way, Ate Jonah tagged me so I have to put a list of 6 weird things about me. Since I couldn't do it right this moment, I'll do it once I get back. I promise. =)

I was feeling kind of lonely yesterday and my dream analysis book was accurate again. Some disappointments here and there. Sis Chamie didn't get to sleep-over coz her wisdom tooth somehow picked this [wrong] time to ache. (My wisdom tooth aches so bad recently too but that doesn't keep me from doing things. Oh well, people have their reasons so..) But she promised to tag along for my departure today so we're picking her up along the way to the airport.

I was supposed to do my last errands with May but with the time and way-of-communication conflict, I didn't get to see her. Darn. I miss you, May! We'll hang-out more next month, hopefully.

*sigh* Please pray for my safe flight. I'll be on the plane 8 times for this vacation trip. Yeah. Imagine how it is for me who hates plane-induced nausea. Ugh. Oh and right now, I feel so nervous,

For the second time, I'll miss you all. Take care always and God bless you.

One last thing: It's really raining outside! It's been a while since it rained! Is there a fox wedding somewhere or is this some kind of farewell gift from above? LOL

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
