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Will Post Tagged Answers Later
Sunday, May 25, 2008 @ 12:42 PM

mood: tired and a bit sleepy
listening to: Lithium - Evanescence

I've been forgetting to post my responses as being tagged by Ate Jonah and Frances. Sorry guys, I've been pretty preoccupied by my computer's lack of space. Everyday that I can sit in front of my pc, I upload my pics to photobucket just to free some space so that I could defrag it. It really, really needs to be. Aside from that, my scratch disk is full so I couldn't resize or edit pics of my Europe vacation with my Adobe-- which means it will still take time for me to put it up here. (Darn.)

While my pics upload (rather too slow for my liking), I go to the fanlistings of which I am listed and update my info regarding this new blog URL. I also made a new folder just for the fanlisting icons on my photobucket and that means the URL of the pics become different thus I had to update my old blog as well. -_-'

I've still got other responsibilities at home and outside-- though I'm not complaining, really. It's good to have these distractions. It takes my mind off other seemingly disturbing thoughts of my worries. Anyway, I better end this post. Either my internet connection's going bonkers on me or my recent set of pics are done uploading in photobucket. Gotta go. Sorry again.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
