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That Crooked Smile Bella Loves
Sunday, May 11, 2008 @ 11:19 PM

mood: looove
listening to: none

I've been pretty addicted to the novel Twilight by Stephenie Meyer since my uncle bought the book for me when I was staying in Switzerland. (I could've bought the book way before that but it's always out of stock in the bookstores around here.) I've been interested about it for so long so when I read it, it's certainly very invigorating for me. LOL I suppose just like any girl who loves a mysterious and gorgeous guy, I somehow find myself falling in love with Edward Cullen. That and the fact that he's err.. inhuman. You see, it's been years since I'm trying to find a vampire romance novel that doesn't include too much umm how do I say this.. sexuality.. the morbid-ness (is that the correct term? .. morbidity?) amongst other things. Pardon me; I couldn't explain it in a more simple and blunt way. Anyway, I'm also not fond of those kinds of novels with middle-aged characters. No offense about that, really. I just enjoy reading characters that are close to my age range and even if I am getting older too fast (I'm turning 20 in August), I don't think I'd lose that interest in reading teen novels-- not that Twilight is only for teens coz it's not. Many adults and children read and enjoy it too, which proves just how appealing it is.
[Though thinking about it, Vampire Knight does come close to the kind of vampire romance/angst story I've been wanting. (I'm also heavily drawn to Zero so.. hehe) But still...]
So aside from liking Twilight coz the characters are teens, there's romance, sarcasm here and there (absolutely love the humor), and that character you can't help but love (*coughEdwardcough*), it also amazed me how Bella Swan is a lot like me. I swear. When I was reading the book (it's on Bella's POV), it's like reading something I've experienced/did/said or would have thought/done/said (sans the vampire encounters of course). It feels so great that I get to read a novel with a female character who is so much like me coz that way, I know I'm not the only one around who's *ahem* different. The result? Now, I'm officially addicted to it.

Chamie stayed with me for 3 days and 2 nights (sleep-over) starting the day after I came back home to the Philippines. I appreciate it since I really need someone around because my depressive tendencies were starting to slowly eat me again. So when I told her about Twilight, it seems she's interested in it too-- but she refuses to read the book ["That's the Twilight book? It's so thick!"]. She prefers to watch the movie. In our country, it opens in January 2009. Great. We get to live in suspence. I'm so excited that I watch the trailer and the video below over and over and over and over and ["Oh stop."] over and over again. LOL

Here's the other video with the scenes from the set of Twilight and some random interviews from the cast. Enjoy. =3

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
