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More Than Just Painkillers
Wednesday, May 21, 2008 @ 1:45 PM

mood: really?
listening to: Billy S. - Skye Sweetnam

Look at an article I found:
Aspirin, the common painkiller already proven effective in reducing the risk of heart disease, may also help lower skin cancer risk according to Australian researchers.

A study of 273 people at the Queensland Institute of Medical Research found that regularly taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin could increase protection against skin cancer and sunspots.

Lead researcher David Whiteman said there was a significant difference in people who used aspirin.

"We found that people who used aspirin or non-steroidal drugs regularly - and that is two or more times a week, for at least five years - had a 63 percent reduced risk of squamous cell cancers of the skin."

A smaller analysis found people who took aspirin eight or more times a week for at least a year had a 90 percent reduction in risk.

Aspirin was also found to decrease the number of sunspots.

Aspirin type drugs shut down an enzyme known as cyclo-oxygenase, which allows some types of skin cancer to develop.

Dr. Whiteman said while the trial offered hope for new strategies in the fight against skin cancer, it did not mean people should start buying aspirin and taking it on a daily basis.

"The way to prevent skin cancer ... is to avoid noonday sunlight, schedule your exposures to morning and afternoon, use hats and sunscreen and that's the way to prevent skin cancer."

Found it here.

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I need to know "what is".
