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Searching, Looking, and Dreaming
Monday, April 14, 2008 @ 2:13 AM

mood: quite dandy
listening to: I Believe - Blessed Union of Souls

I went to National Bookstore [SM B] in the hopes that there might be Twilight on stock now. Unfortunately, there's still none. I asked the lady on Customer Service and she said that there's really no specific date their supplier comes. It's such a let down for me; I really really wanna read it. I got the number of NB in Robinson's Imus but their line's always busy.

I've been trying to decide which book I would bring on my trip since I noticed that I'll be staying at Abu Dhabi airport for about 6hrs. What could a girl like me do for such a long period of time? I've no laptop, I couldn't put my mobile account on unlimited text, and I won't have a game console to amuse myself-- bringing my old GameBoy will just add weight and more batteries to bring. (Btw, I'm quite interested with PSP nowadays. Hmm.) I guess I could like look around, maybe even take some pictures but heck, I don't think I could do that for 6hrs you know? Besides, I might "glue" myself near the terminal just so that I could prevent myself from getting lost and that would save me time from asking people where I should go. *sigh* For some reason I really worry about getting lost in an airport with foreigners. o_o'

So anyway, I've decided that if there's no Twilight then I'll just buy The Looking Glass Wars.. and so I did! =D I've only read the back and the prologue (yeah, couldn't resist). It seemed nice so far and I adore the originality of the plot. Hopefully it will keep me awake long enough for my flight to London, calm my nerves, and stimulate my imagination.

Aside from buying The Looking Glass Wars, I also bought The Illustrated Dream Dictionary by Russel Grant, illustrated by Vicky Emptage, from BookSale. I've been looking for a cheap dream interpretation book lately and this one is below P100, probably because it's kinda old (©1996). Nevertheless it has a lot of symbols there and are quite helpful. I managed to interpret my past dream and it's so accurate, it's freaky. So now, to understand my unconscious, I'll probably try to keep track of my dreams and the symbols/objects on it. I won't probably do it all the time though since sometimes I'm too lazy to write or I won't remember the dream much. I'm still trying to decide whether or not I'll bring this to my trip. It won't occupy much space on my luggage.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
