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No jokes whatsoever.
Tuesday, April 01, 2008 @ 9:52 PM

mood: stressed
listening to: Bad Day - Daniel Powter

my Phil. passport and 2 sets of new pics We went around Manila and Makati today to renew my passport and to re-book my flight. First we went to this place where I got my passport picture taken. The first photo unfortunately was taken with a blue background. I realized the mistake [a Spanish passport picture must have a white background]a few seconds after starring at it. I forgot to ask the man taking the shot to make my background white; they must've thought I'm issuing for a Philippine passport and I'm too clouded to realize that. It scares me sometimes that I have these moments of being an airhead. I don't like airheads and you can very well imagine my feeling if I'm categorized as one. So there you go. I had to take another picture. Seeing my defeat, the man in charge told me that I could use those set of pictures when it's the time my Phil. passport needs renewal, which will be in 10 years. I doubt they would be pleased to put my nineteen y.o. picture on it when I'll be twenty-nine that year. Damn it.

I had a Tofi Luk and a chocolate drink on the way to Singapore Airlines. As much as I love chocolate, it's a big no-no to have a chocolate snack coupled with a chocolate drink. Having two big bites of Tofi Luk and I'm already craving cold water. It didn't help that the 7/11 store that I bought those two items from had their aircondition broke down, thus the drink is a bit luke warm to me. It's also unfortunate that our ride only provided a freakin' electric fan. Having the windows of the vehicle open for ventilation would've been a good idea-- except the rays of the sun seem to fry my skin. So it's great, you know, I'm consuming luke warm beverage while eating chocolate on a sunny day in a hot vehicle. Did I mention I didn't get enough sleep as usual and that I hate traveling too early in the morning? *sigh* Just to make things clear, I am merely relating what happened. When I was in that state, I was too gloomy to think any complaints. I was just too anxious to get things right. But yeah, now I'm kinda complaining. Late reaction di ba? Airhead moment count: 3

To make this short, we went to Singapore Air, asked a bunch of questions, went to Spanish embassy, issued for renewal of my passport, went back to Singapore Air to re-book my flight in accordance to the date my new passport's release, and finally went home.

Good news: My mom handled the news better than expected. She did cry on the phone yesterday, scolded me a little then she calmed down a bit. I'm very thankful she's understanding. I love her to death. Now I just need to give myself some kind of punishment.

The lady at the embassy said I could get my new passport (with a new design) on the 9th. I'm currently on the waiting list for the flights on 10th and 11th. So now we're like being chased by time. We worry about our scheduled stay in Germany; the flight and hotel there. It sucks so bad that by the time I could go out the country, my days in Europe will be lesser than planned. It sucks sooo bad. I was hoping to indulge staying there for 30 days and now it's down to less than 20. Arrgh!

I was OL on YM, talking to Frances. I told her that I didn't get on board. At first she didn't believe me; she said it's April Fool's day and that my joke is not very effective. I was surprised coz I wasn't even aware what day it was. Airhead moment count: 4. I told her that I wasn't kidding coz I couldn't possibly be online if I was there since I don't have a laptop or would have any source of internet and computer there. So she eventually believed me.

I'm so stressed out, I hope with this undying effort, things will be set right again. Sana matuloy naaaaaa to. T_T

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
