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"Sorry but your passport is expired."
Monday, March 31, 2008 @ 12:41 PM

mood: overwhelmed [in the worst way possible]
listening to: deathly silence of despair

I didn't get on board. I stood there with the color on my face slowly disappearing. Apparently I've mistaken my Spanish passport's expiration date. I read it [11/03/2008] as November 03, 2008 when it's actually March 11, 2008. The lady on the counter that was checking my passport and putting the tag on my luggage asked me, "Is your birthday June 8th?" I told her it's on August 6th then she said my passport is expired. I insisted it's read the way I thought it was read. She asked me to wait for the manager or head.. or whatever she's called. The head lady walked up to me like fifteen minutes later (I was starring at my xerox copy passport the whole time, realizing the trouble I'm in). She told me it couldn't possibly be read as November 03 since the renewal must be 5 years exact (the issued date was 12/03/2008), which would mean it's a month short. I proceeded to look dumbfounded and hopeless. She said she'll confirm by calling London and the Spanish embassy. I continued starring at my passport, praying for some miracle to happen (like the numbers would re-arrange themselves) or for some clue that would still make me go on board for consideration. To no avail; the lady came back with the confirmed "you passport really is expired" look, and told me their airlines would be in trouble and have a fine if they still let me be on board. Then there's the possibility I'll get stuck in Singapore or London airport-- which is a heck of a lot worse if you get what I mean.

So there you go. Instead of sitting on the plane, having horrible thoughts of nausea-induced plane rides, I was standing there, shocked and trying to make my brain process for something I could hold on to. Life began to look pretty bleak for me. My first thought was, "Oh my God, I'm gonna be dead!" Thoughts of the worst possible punishments and consequences began running through my head. It included clinical depression, disownment [is there such word?], lost of trust, slashing of wrist, living alone, disappointment of family members, etc. I just know I'm gonna be in big trouble once my mom hears of this. I hope she'll somehow calm down after a few minutes of talking on the phone-- but I doubt it. I fear for her health, thus I could care less of what my fate would be. I'd worry more about the things going through her head and her metabolism. So yeah, I prayed more for her. I know I could handle myself and somehow fight back being depressed about all this. I could handle self-disappointment.

I couldn't use my Philippine passport since I'll need a Visa and NBI something (for Spanish passport holders--or maybe the general European passport holders, not sure-- we don't need a Visa when traveling). I have neither since we didn't think we'll need that anyway; the Spanish passport is what I'll initially use. The Philippine passport is only to notify I'm a dual citizen.

When I got my luggage, the lady told me that I should just re-book my flight. Since I don't know anything about flight jargons, I asked if that would mean I'll need to buy another ticket (hell no thanks-- I'm in enough financial troubles). She said no but I'll get a fine and then I could re-schedule. My mind shrieked, 'There is hope!' It would've been a nice thought for more than 3 seconds but what are the chances that there would still be seats available this month? But at least I got some hope and when I'll tell that to my mom, it might somehow calm her down too.

I came home through taxi. I could barely stand waiting for a ride outside the airport. (I didn't get a wink of sleep and I didn't have breakfast hoping that I could get both in the plane.) On the way home, the driver and I talked. Okay, he talked a lot and I managed to just mummble since I was so weak and sleepy. He told me stuff about re-booking and how my mom will be fine. Though my body is drained, my mind could still function some random thoughts like, 'Thanks for the reassuring words, Mister, but I really don't think things will be ok.' Besides, I'd rather think of the worst case scenario then be lifted by a positive feedback than be all positive then immediately put down.

I have another memorable moment in my life, would've been better said if it's leaning on the fortunate side but no. You And Me by Lifehouse should be playing in my head, instead it's the deathly silence of despair. I pray my mom will be alright.


I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
