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The hopefully final sched
Tuesday, April 08, 2008 @ 11:34 PM

mood: stressed
listening to: Tangled Up In Me - Skye Sweetnam

Sorry, it's not my day to care. I never thought I'd live the day when I get tired of SM. I had to keep coming to SM to Active Travel and other travel agencies for days to check if there are available flights to London or Switzerland. (As you can see, we're really on a tight spot.) I had a seat at Cathay Pacific but unfortunately it was cancelled due to some holiday that I don't bother to know. Then after two days later I got a seat on Etihad airways. So yeah, I get to roam around the mall, checking out some of my favorite clothes stores and whatnots. Look at the shirt I bought from GG. "Sorry, it's not my day to care." I love it. (Totally opposite on my current predicament.) XD As always, I also go to the bookstores. I swear I still couldn't find a good enough dream analysis book, and a copy of Tithe: The Modern Faerie Tale. The sequel, Ironside and Valiant is always available though. I can't read a book without starting with the first one. (But I must confess I had skipped a second book from a certain fav trilogy. The story still made sense to me so it's ok haha-- and I'll buy the book when I'll have extra money.) And then there's the The Looking Glass Wars. I find it very interesting. I haven't seen the sequel book, Seeing Red, anywhere though. By the way, I've been dying to read Twilight. Frances, lucky you. I wonder if I'll like Edward Cullen too. I wonder.

This afternoon I got a call from my mom. She told me that she's going to Germany so that the ticket won't be wasted. She's so lucky. I really really wanna see Tita Phine and my cousin Rey. It's been so long. *sigh* She also told me that they a good plan and that she bought me an electronic ticket-- London to Switzerland. So here's my schedule: (the final, I hope] *crosses fingers on both hands*

April 14 - April 15
04:10pm - departure from Manila
08:45pm - arrival to Abu Dhabi
02:45am - departure from Abu Dhabi
07:30am - arrival to London [Heathrow]
[go to British Airlines through taxi]
12:00pm - departure from Heathrow
03:00pm - arrival to Switzerland [Zurich]
Estimated time of everything: approximately 23 hrs. It's almost 2 days. *sigh* This must be my punishment for my incompetence of reading European passport expiration dates. Well, it's better than not going, right? I won't care if I'm dead tired as long as I get to be with my mother dear. Sana matuloy naaa.
"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
~ Jeremiah 29:11
Thanks, Marie. You don't know of it but your text messages help me calm down sometimes. I miss you, girl.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
