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Leaving on a Jet Plane
Sunday, March 30, 2008 @ 7:34 PM

mood: upset
listening to: Pathetique - Beethoven

I've been saying this since last night to sis Chamie (she's staying over) and I'm gonna say it again: "I still can't believe I'm really going away tomorrow!" I'm excited and worried at the same time. It's been exactly like 5 years since my last flight to another country. I was with my mom back then so I didn't worry much about going around the airport but this time I'm all on my own.

My schedule:
12:00am - wake up and get ready
04:00am - travel to the airport
08:20am - departure from Manila
11:50am - arrival to Singapore (connecting flight)
12:45pm - departure from Singapore
19:10pm - arrival at London [Heathrow]

I just got off the phone with my mom and we had an argument. Whenever something doesn't go according to plan, she goes panic-striken. I had been aware that most people in my family have this A-type personality but over my observation for the past couple of years, my mom and her siblings seem to be getting "worse". Don't get me wrong, I love them and their perfectionism works on the positive side too but sometimes there are just those times when the pressure gets to me, you know? I know I kinda have that sort of personality too but at least I'm not in danger of heart attacks, high/low blood pressures and what-nots... yet. Most of the time, I just wish they become calmer individuals. They really, really worry me especially since they're so far away.

In regards of how I handle my emotions and ordeals, when I'm with impatient people, I become this calm person who delivers soothing words of wisdom, but when I'm with a calm and patient person, I become the opposite. It's like I balance out the emotions running along the situation. That sounds pretty stupid to me because I would argue the fact that a person must be patient regardless of what type of person/people [s]he is with and in any type of situation, right? (I always say, "Patience is a virtue.") But I guess people nowadays are really problematic to the point that they could care less about being calm and patient. *shrugs* That and because no two people are alike, and it's not like I could force people to change just coz I don't like panic-striken, neurotic tendencies. But anyway, going back to what I said, yeah I kinda have that type of personality too but I control my emotions once I become aware that I am starting to have nervous attacks.

So yeah, I'm from the family of worry-warts. Sad to say, I might become more like them in the future but(!) since I am already conscious of that expectation, I shall try to fight it... somehow. I am a psychology major after all. Oh and another thing: I'll spill [some] beans here. One of the reasons why I took psychology is to "help" and understand more about my family members' neurotic tendencies and other fields of their behavior. In addition to that, perhaps I could even make some research or theories out of my tests and observations of them.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
