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3 Fandom Related In England
Thursday, March 20, 2008 @ 5:00 PM

mood: excited
listening to: Here Comes The Sun - The Beatles

My mom and I talked about my upcoming vacation in Europe. I'll be going to 3 countries: England (where she is at the moment), Switzerland (where my aunt Tita Risma and her family live), and Germany (where Tita Phine and her family live). I'm not sure if we're going for quick stops on other countries though. It's a pity I might not have the chance to stay in Spain even for just a couple of days-- it's where my mom lived like 1/3 of her life [from teen years to young adult], and I am a Spanish citizen-- by papers, not by blood-- then again I won't know for sure, right? I mean, consider the early Spanish rule over the Philippines and all that.

England is one of the places I would love to stay for some time. Japan is another and America (the latter I've already lived in years ago). I absolutely love this opportunity because after I graduate here, I'll be living in England for two years (based on my and my mom's agreement) to work or study/work, then I'll be going back here in the Philippines maybe to study some more (it's like my dream to study in UP). I'm still thinking if I would study in America or not for my MA or even a PhD since Harvard would be like a dream scene-- but it still scares me somehow. I don't know. I kinda wanna challenge myself or even for just the experience. A lot of successful psychologists studied at Harvard. It would certainly be great if I somehow make a theory of my own there. (Dream on, girl.)

That would be my somewhat imaginary plans but I know that it won't be final since a lot will surely happen and there might be some things that could manipulate or influence the outcomes-- the unexpected ones, like certain job offers, travel urges, and then there's marriage and.. hold up! Yes, marriage. XD I know I'm a bit too young to think about it but well, I do think about it. Hopefully someday I'll be married to the person who loves me more than any woman in the world [excluding family members, of course] and vice versa. *sigh* I am a dreamer.

Okay, about the title-- what are the three things that pop in my mind when I hear the word/place "England"?
1) Harry Potter (yeah, you probably thought of it yourself),
2) The Parent Trap (the remake starring Lindsay Lohan) and What A Girl Wants (starring Amanda Bynes), and behold--
3) LittleKuriboh! Bet ya didn't see that comin'!

Earlier on the phone with my mom, I asked her if the place we're going to stay is near the King's Cross Station. I swear I could somehow see her smiling on the other end when she paused and said, "Oh I see. Harry Potter?" =D My mom's a fan. She loves watching sci-fi and fantasy, magic-related films.

I grinned and asked again, "Umm.. So is it near?"

She replied, "Oh, we could go there. Yes."

I almost jumped from my seat. Really. I have this huge fan-smile on. "Alright!"

"I'll watch you go through Platform 9 and 3/4," my mom joked.

"You're coming with me through it! I am sooo gonna take lots of pictures!"

So there you have it. I'm a big fan of Harry Potter, though I can't say I'm obsessed with it (it seems like nothing can compare to my Yu Yu Hakusho obsession).

On to the second one. Why Parent Trap and What A Girl Wants, you ask? Remember the scene when they decided to switch places and one of them went to London? The part when Lindsay's character was looking out from the car? I love that scene, and also the one when she and her mom went to work. By the way, did you notice the song I'm listening to this moment? ("listening to" section on top) Yeah. Here Comes The Sun by The Beatles and There She Goes by by Sixpence None The Richer (or whoever else made a version of it) becomes memorable to me.

In What A Girl Wants, Amanda Bynes' character went to London to find her father. She walked on the bridge with Oliver James and with the other scenes, London's looking really fabulous. I especially love the song Crazy by Meredith Brooks. I reminds me of that scene when Amanda and Oliver fell from the canoe.

Last but most certainly not least! *cue of drumroll* LittleKuriboh! I am currently obsessed with Yu-gi-oh! The Abridged Series. I love how his voice is really similar to the original English dubbers-- it's amazing. The guy is clearly talented. I've read through his LiveJournal and picked a couple of places he said he's been to and asked my mom if we're near there. I was hoping I still have my luck since that "yes" from King's Cross Station but unfortunately, it ran out. She said it's far and we need to travel by train. In other words: I'm not gonna be able to go there.

It makes me sad since this is like a great opportunity for a fan such as myself to actually meet the guy. I was imagining how I would react. I was planning on how I would stand in a street corner and stalk him if ever he passes by. Just kidding, that's creepy. Besides, he'll probably run away. But somehow I would gather up all my courage and ask for an autograph, a picture, and a voice-dedicated message. It would be awesome. But yeah, it will not happen. *sigh* But I still get to step on the King's Cross Station. That's still something, right? Watch out pure and half-bloods, I might just discover I'm not a muggle after all. *wink, wink*

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
