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Believe It!
Monday, March 31, 2008 @ 3:32 AM

mood: shocked
listening to: There She Goes - Sixpence None The Richer

This is it. It's finally going to happen. After sleepless nights, countless imaginary scenes, and listening to certain London-related songs *deep breath* I'm finally going there. After years of merely looking at photographs from my aunts' home, after years I haven't seen my cousins, it's finally gonna happen. I'm finally going there and visit them.

But I still can't believe it.

Words could not express my nervousness and excitement. Nervousness is mainly about my flight, going around the airport, and that detestful nausea during the plane ride. I hope I don't mess up or forget something coz I would totally ruin things for me-- in one way or another.

From these mixed feelings, I couldn't sleep. I could feel my eyes are tired and I did closed them for an hour but sleep never came. Perhaps the Sand Man is too busy putting other caffeine-addicted and insomiac people to sleep.

Chamie is still sleeping when my mobile alarm went off. It actually surprised the heck out of me. I was trying to sleep, trying not to think about more preparations and stuff (but to no avail of course), when suddenly it started ringing. My body jerked and I managed to gasp, "Oh my God!" Yeah. If Chamie wasn't asleep then, she'd probably laughed her intestines out. I must admit, I silently laughed at myself.

I got up, took a bath, and now I'm here typing. I logged on my friendster account one last time and curiously checked on my horoscope (not that I rely on it, it's just interesting most of the time). This is what it says:
Let go of all of your worries today. Taking on an extra burden is not going to help anything get better. You don't know how things are going to turn out, so why would you choose to think the worst? You might feel like you're in limbo right now, not quite sure what step you should take next, but you should not see this time negatively. It's a great opportunity to think about the good things that could come soon. Visualize the best case scenario, and you will not be disappointed.

Bulls-eye hit, right? Well, I suppose after all my worries are done, I'd just find myself staring at the plane served food in front of me. The best case scenario would be when I see my mom amongst the crowd of people. =)

Well, no matter what happens, I know this journey would be great. I'll learn a lot of things. I'll experience a lot of first-times. I'm particularly excited about the foreign food I'll be eating. XD So yeah. In a few minutes, my ride will be outside. I'll be on the road to seemingly bliss... or something like that.

I'll be posting by experiences here when I get back-- with loads of pictures of course!

To my friends: I'll miss you all. Take care of yourselves and rest assured, I shall return! (Wait, is that copyrighted?)

One last thing: My title is not in any way Naruto associated. Funny, it occured to me seconds ago that my title seems familiar, like a meme somehow. LOL


I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
