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Bye-bye When July Comes
Thursday, June 19, 2008 @ 8:30 PM

mood: a bit cheerful
listening to: Signal - KAT-TUN

We bumped into Raymond at school today. As it turns out, he's leaving (to America) around July. He's just getting his transcripts and stuff. It's good that I brought my camera. I took some shots when we ate out. I already uploaded them on my friendster account. When I tried to edit the others to put up here, unfortunately my scratch disks were full. So the only one I could upload at the moment is this:

That's odd, parang singkit ako dito.
I edited the lighting since it was kinda dark, despite the flash.. so yeah.
I'll put up others later.

Anyway, he said he'll continue college here in the Philippines. I asked when he's coming back and he said it will be about for 5 years or so. Yeah, it's so long. But he said we'll keep in touch in friendster. I told him that when he gets accustomed there, he'll forget about his friendster and will be addicted to MySpace haha.. Besides, here he rarely logs on his friendster account anyway. XD

So yeah.. with 2 years of friendship, I'd say.. So long, pal! We'll miss you! See you again in 5 years or so.. wherever part of the world we are. (Who knows where I'll be around that time? I'll probably be in London taking my Masters Degree and/or working my ass off haha..)

Oh yeah.. and you'll make Ate She miss you so much. XD

One last thing, check this out:

Amusing, isn't it? XD
Now I wonder what candy I'm gonna use. Bwahahah! *ahem*

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
