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Height Change and Color Preferences
Saturday, June 21, 2008 @ 10:12 PM

mood: pleased
listening to: Stay In Love - Mariah Carey

As it turns out, my growth hormone is still active. I found out this summer that 70% of my tops are either hanging or near to it. I dislike tops that makes me uncomfortable when bending or sitting.. you know, the ones that you have to hold on the backside just so you won't look ridiculous. *sigh* So yeah, I couldn't bring myself to ask mom if I could "replenish" my wardrobe. Subtley though, I tried. (I was desperate.) Thankfully, she told me to buy some. =)

I always have this weakness for white, black, brown, and black with pink tops, but what surprised me is my recent interest with tshirts! A few months or years ago, I would see tshirts on racks and then I would wrinkle my nose, thinking 'sleeveless tops look so much better on girls' or something like that. (Yeah, I was biased haha.) Now I love statement tees!

I'm still cautious about the colors though. A few years back I'm in love with pink tops. Yeah, preference changes so.. I was looking through my tops for the "shrunken ones" to give away and I've noticed from the stacks my clear color preferences. Pink and white tops are dominant (since like I've said, I was addicted to pink tops), followed by black, then brown. I've only some yellow, blue, and red. I dislike orange and so I only have like one orange top-- given to me by a relative of which I forgot exactly who. Come to think of it, I never really liked orange, yellow, and red even as colors. It's quite ironic that being a Leo and Earth Dragon, those are "my" colors. Ugh.

So yeah.. bought a black top at Tribal. I was at Camp Beverly Hills when I became excited with choosing tops-- unfortunately, with all the other items I bought earlier, I could only afford two more tops. I decided on the "Some are born LUCKY" top-- and I bought it on white and black! LOL. My first time buying the same tee for two different colors.. They're of different sizes too. The black one'ss medium and the white's small. Here's what it looks like:

Yeah, I know, I know, my hair's hiding the statement. LOL My hair's so long now.

Here's another one:

The pic's blurred since I had to resize it and then edit the lighting. It was taken late afternoon.

I'm still looking for black leggings, a specific length skirt, and some shorts. Rainy season's coming up so I suppose shorts are hiding now or something. I couldn't find any my size. They're either too high, too small, or too big. Ugh!

gorgeous grey chiffon.. I want it!!

I want this skirt!

lovin' casual..

cute top..

I need to start my Spanish self-study. I found out my tape recorder's broken (of old age probably). I was so excited about doing my own tape tutorial too! Hmph.

Boy: Do you like anyone?
Girl: Well, actually.. more like "love".
B: Who is it?
G: Umm.. three letters.. starts with a Y and ends with a U.
B: Funny, I love that person too.
Waaay corny.. but cute somehow.. I guess.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
