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The Fighter of Dinosaur-like Creature Saw Me!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008 @ 7:27 AM

mood: a bit bewildered
listening to: none

I made reviewers for 2 subjects (that I have an exam on for today) till it was around 3am and my elbows, hands, and neck hurt like hell.

I just woke up after 3 attempts to get out of bed at 6am and ending up asleep again and again.. and again.

I just had a very bizarre dream. I thought I should blog about it before I forgot.

I was at my house (in reality it resembled my lola's house-- I grew up there) with Mom. I had some friends over and there wasn't a friendly atmosphere. It seems that there's this awkward incident that they decided to visit because one of them thought that I was dying. Oddly enough though a friend told me that he was dying but then admitted that it was a joke a few minutes later.

Anyway, as I was saying. It was very bizarre. I went to the porch to look outside. (Outside looked like a suburb of America.) I was starring at the sky when suddenly there's this huge rock that fell nearby! No, the earth didn't quake. (Was my verb correct?) I saw a big dinosaur walking near it. It resembled a T-Rex and it was green. I continued to stare in awe when my mother noticed that I was visually occupied on something outside. She went to look at it too.

You'll never guess who I saw next.

Okay, I guess you could guess. I suppose you guys could think of that character who fights off gigantic dinosaur-like creatures after transforming into his huge form, complete with a bee-like head and a light button on his chest that will go on when he's low-bat.

That's right. I'm talking about Ultraman, for those who didn't get it.

He was dressed in pink.

At first I was like, "What in the world is a T-Rex doing outside my house?!"
(Er.. a rift in the space and time continuum?)
Then, "Oh my gosh, Ultraman exists?!"
(Was it as possible as a dinosaur in my neighborhood?)
Finally, "Why pink?!"

So Ultraman pounded the dinosaur to "death" with that huge boulder, did a happy dance and then transformed back to his human form.

No, this is not the end of my bizarre dream.

The bizarre actually starts HERE!

I bet you asked why Ultraman is wearing pink.
I'll tell you why right now.
It's coz he's BISEXUAL!
Haha.. got your attention there.

*ahem* Anyhow. No, he's not bisexual. NO.
Ultraman is actually... Ultra... GIRL.
(I couldn't say woman coz she looked liked she's around mid to late adolescence.)

Yeah. SHE's a very serious-looking girl.
Don't let the happy dance fool you. When I saw her turn her face around, she's got that I-mean-business look.

So then it seemed as though she's still very much bothered about something. She scanned the area for a moment and guess where her expression changed to "I found [it/her]!"

Yup. It was I.

Oh. My. Gosh.

"What does she want from me?!"

She goes running off to the direction of my house and instinctively, I decided to hide. The concept of hiding from... an alien (what kind of being was Ultraman..girl anyway?) seemed ludicrous but my instinct told me I should try anyhow.

I left my house when I couldn't hide there in time as my mother was being asked by Human Ultragirl.

I went directly to Lola Jessie's house. I hid behind her gate and saw a guy in her garden. He looked nice and innocent. I gave him a gesture of would-you-mind-if-I-hide-in-here-and-pls-be-quiet-about-it. He simply smiled and nodded. I wondered who he was.

I peeped through the gaps of the gate to see that my friends were leaving. One by one I stare at them thinking suspiciously if Ultragirl disguised as one of them. In the end, I saw her. I held my breath for what it seemed like 15 seconds and it's already getting hard for me.

She stopped in front of the gate. She could freakin' sense me! She started to reach the gate handle and all kinds of thoughts circled in my mind.

Why did she pick me?
What does she want from me?
Should I be scared?
Is this my destiny?
Will I become her apprentice?
Will this be a good thing?
Or will I turn out to be an alien experiment?

And then I woke up.

I'm glad I did but I do feel a bit disappointed right now when I think about it. I mean... I want to know why she needs to talk to me. The reason might be something mind-boggling. Curiouser and curiouser.

I'm betting she wanted me to become her sidekick.

Could someone get Grandpa Freud on the phone for me?

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
