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Wednesday, October 01, 2008 @ 11:17 AM

mood: exhausted
listening to: Stuck - Stacie Orrico

I finally went to the doctor yesterday. The secretary from the Kidney Institute did not do as she promised-- she didn't deliver my CT Stonogram results to San Juan De Dyos(sp?) Hospital so my doctor had to call her from the KI. She had to go to the Xray department and get it then have it explained. Geez. My doctor got the basic gist of it.

It's confirmed. I have a stone again. Let's now go to the disadvantage and advantage.

The bad: Its existence and the fact that it could grow bigger or fall and get stuck in my urinary tract. By then, it's the same case all over again: stone gets stuck, not all urine will pass through, infections could occur, the lining might get wounded, I'll suffer very intense pains for hours or days, my kidney would swell, and in the darkest idea-- it will be very damaged. (not to say that it is already because of last time)

The good: It's not in my urinary tract [yet] so if it remains stuck there in a place where it won't be fatal for me, then it's fine leaving it there. No pain, no swollen kidney, no expensive ESWL, and most importantly-- Mom will get to buy the house.

My doctor said he'll still review the results because he needs to see where it is, its size, and if there's a possibility that it will fall and get stuck. Then he told me that I'll need occassional visits so that we'll know it it's getting bigger somehow.

Btw, I forgot to return the hospital ID so my old school ID was left there. I'm planning on getting it sometime... I only found out when we're miles away. My level of forgetfulness reached impossible.

I hate it.


I'm thinking of changing my blog skin.


I love the clothes at Terra Nova(sp?)!


*sigh* I'm hoping for a Rory-Dean situation post break-up thing. Yeah.. if only. But he's not like Dean.

My deams recently have such obvious meanings, mostly my wishes that I obviously can't have. Bummer.


Our defense is on Thursday, finals next week. Goodluck to us all.


I heard there's a storm near Manila. Ingat mga nasa byahe.

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I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
