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3 P's
Sunday, October 19, 2008 @ 11:05 PM

mood: hanging in there
listening to: Forever To Me - The Brilliant Green

I was eating corn the other day and I remembered a scene from Cinderella (the animated film). It was the scene where there was this chubby mouse who was stocking up the corn kernels and it was too much for him. A lot fell and he didn't notice the cat advancing on him. He returned to get the other kernels that fell-- which he shouldn't have because it almost cost him his life.

I eyed the kernel I was holding.

Should human beings settle to just how much kernels they could hold?
Should human beings want more kernels?
Is it bad being an overachiever?
Is it bad to want more than what you already have?

Is greed that bad when your happiness is on the line? Only you could feel the emotions you feel anyway. It's not like other people would live your life for you, you know.


Life teaches us many things. Most are the opposites of each statement, like you should be contented on what you have but at the same time, you should aim higher-- that's how man make fantastic discoveries, fulfill dreams, and make use of innovation!

I say: Satisfy your hunger if it will make you happy and no one gets hurt or affected by it. No one should make your decisions for you. Discover things on your own. Not everything should be planned; be spontaneous. Stop and smell the roses. Enjoy being alive. You only have one life after all and life is too short.

I was cleaning my room yesterday and when I arranged my home clothes, I found this old top bought from Old Navy years ago. The print looked worn out but I hardly wore it back then. I'm wearing it right now coz I feel like it. =D


I finally got a tripod! I hope Nono (my Canon A720 IS) and my tripod (haven't got a name for it yet) will be the best of friends. =D A couple more years (probably 7 more) and I'll get my very own DSLR. I could salivate for it. I can't wait!

Hmm... I want different lenses now.


I stayed up till like 4am or so coz I couldn't sleep. My mind kept racing on floor plans, my dream kitchen (that we can't afford), and how I'm going to buy the modern-style furniture that I want for the living room. (The chairs! The chairs!) It must be hard being an architect who needs to take into consideration the house model budget, structure, and square meter limits. But I love being in charge of the interior design though. (I'm in charge of almost everything, really.)

Ah yes, to be young and inspired.

interior design
classical music
culinary arts
foreign language


The best part? I got a text message from Mom. She said she's so proud of me. Despite being... like this... I could still manage. Ate She on the phone told me that she's glad I'm hanging in here. Sis Chamie said she might sleep over next week.

I cried from joy, worry, and weariness.


We might enroll tomorrow. *sigh* The week went by so fast. I'll be buried with school work, depressed about my "low" grades, and be grateful that I learn very interesting and helpful things everyday again.

Second sem... GO!


Since I was around 15 or so, I have already imagined the perfect proposal and wedding. Now, I wonder if I'll ever have it.

If I do find (again) someone I'll love more than myself, someone who'll understand me, someone who'll be patient enough, someone who's loyal and encouraging, someone who's wholeheartedly willing to be with me and spend the rest of his remaining years of life with me because he's crazy about me (not obsessively crazy-- in love crazy) ... then I can say that... I could actually be.. very, very happy... the type of happy that I might imagine the birds singing to me in the morning... the type of happy that will hopefully stay for more than half a year..


I miss him.

My heart is crying out to you, yeah...
Forever to me...

It's been a while since I listened to The Brilliant Green.
I love their songs.


I'm going to change blog skin as soon as I figure out which one to choose. I want a really simple one now.


I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
