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To Blog Or Not To Blog
Sunday, March 08, 2009 @ 3:09 AM

listening to: Promises - Adema

I was editing some pics (basically: resizing and editing the lighting) and it occurred to me that I completely neglected this blog. I thought maybe I should just cancel my account. *sigh* Or maybe perhaps I really need to change my layout. I need a sort of drive to write again.

(I actually found some very nice templates. I can't decide yet which to use.)

Been really busy with school lately. -_-'

I updated my old blog. I changed the layout and deleted some entries. It would be my memorabilia of my teen angst. I wonder if I should write my current angst here. (LOL)

Ah... I'm just typing what I'm thinking right now. There's really no construction in this entry. Totally random. *sigh* I want a long vacation.

Ok, I really need to change this blog layout.

Give me the drive to write! x_x


I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
