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Rings Are Circle: It Stands for Infinity
Sunday, May 29, 2011 @ 1:41 PM


listening to: To Make You Feel My Love by Josh Kelley

He wanted us to have a couples ring. Since he's been dropping hints about marriage (like. "Let's get married next month!" "When are we getting married?" "I want to spend everyday with you." "I see myself old, sitting on a rocking chair.. on my house terrace, smiling.. and you're there beside me.." and other statements), I'd like to view our future rings as promise rings or engagement rings. Sterling silver is all we could afford right now since we're fresh grads with no salaries yet. Anyway, the ladies who assisted us with the rings kept giggling. I got rather amused.

We had our fingers sized. He's a size 6 and I'm a size 3. I'm half his size-- how cool is that? Unfortunately, at Unisilver (SM Rosario), the smallest available size they have is 4. I already have shoe size problems (having a size 5 for feet) and then now, this. I expected that I have a rather unusually small ring size which would lead to limited ring choices-- however, I didn't expect a nada. *sigh*

Bryan said, we'd go look for other stores for my size. We won't look at other Unisilver branches since none of them sell size 3 rings apparently. (Our first choice to go to is Silverworks but there's no branch there.) He said that if ever we won't find any soon, then we'd just have to look for a place for customization. (Is that a legit word? Too lazy to look it up atm.) I told him that if we find none, I'd settle for a size 4 and put it on my middle finger or poiting finger... or put it on my ring finger with a tape or something (on the bottom side) just so it will stay there secured. He's still quite determined that it won't go to that extent.

I love that determination of his.

He surprised me a lot yesterday. He told me how it will be the first time he'd ever wear a ring (because rings can become rather uncomfortable when worn on a finger, he said). He's the type of guy who only wears a wristwatch and a necklace--but rarely. Hmmmmm He even jokingly said how it's great that he's willing to make life-altering choice of wearing a permanent accessory because of me... because he wants the acknowledgement that we're couples. He wants the world to know that we're tied to each other, that he's taken. It's one of the most romantic and heart-warming lines I've ever heard from him. He never fails to make me happy and swoon. I'm so happy I love him and I have him in my life. What means so much more is that... he feels the same way about me.

We're crazy for each other. We badly want and need each other. We're so in love.

He is such a blessing.

This, my friend, is what bliss and security is all about.

I'm looking forward to our rings... a symbol for infinity.

On another note:
Happy birthday to my bestfriend, May! I love you, Purda.


I want to stop wondering "what-ifs".
I need to know "what is".
